Here's the API reference for the NextUI CLI.

Once the CLI is installed, run the following command to display available commands:

To get a list of the available CLI commands, run the following command inside your project directory:

nextui -h

This will produce the following help output:

NextUI CLI <version>
A command line tool for seamless integration with NextUI
Usage: nextui [command]
-v, --version Output the current version
--no-cache Disable cache, by default data will be cached for 30m after the first request
-d, --debug Debug mode will not install dependencies
-h --help Display help information for commands
init [options] [projectName] Initializes a new project
add [options] [components...] Adds components to your project
upgrade [options] [components...] Upgrades project components to the latest versions
remove [options] [components...] Removes components from the project
list [options] Lists all components, showing status, descriptions, and versions
env [options] Displays debugging information for the local environment
doctor [options] Checks for issues in the project
help [command] Display help for command



Initialize a new NextUI project with official templates.

nextui init [projectName] [options]

Init Options

  • -t --template [string] The template to use for the new project e.g. app, pages, vite
  • -p --package [string] The package manager to use for the new project (default: npm)
# Initialize a new NextUI project with the app template, named my-nextui-app
nextui init my-nextui-app -t app


NextUI CLI v0.2.1
┌ Create a new project
◇ Select a template (Enter to select)
│ ● App (A Next.js 14 with app directory template pre-configured with NextUI (v2) and Tailwind CSS.)
│ ○ Pages (A Next.js 14 with pages directory template pre-configured with NextUI (v2) and Tailwind CSS.)
│ ○ Vite (A Vite template pre-configured with NextUI (v2) and Tailwind CSS.)
◇ New project name (Enter to skip with default name)
│ my-nextui-app
◇ Select a package manager (Enter to select)
│ ● npm
│ ○ yarn
│ ○ pnpm
│ ○ bun
◇ Template created successfully!
◇ Next steps ───────╮
│ │
cd my-nextui-app │
npm install
│ │
└ 🚀 Get started with npm run dev


Add NextUI components to your project.


  1. Auto add the missing required dependencies to your project
  2. Auto add the required tailwindcss.config.js configuration to your project
  3. Detect whether using pnpm, if so, add the required configuration to your .npmrc file
nextui add [components...] [options]

Add Options

  • -a --all [boolean] Add all the NextUI components (default: false)
  • -p --packagePath [string] The path to the package.json file
  • -tw --tailwindPath [string] The path to the tailwind.config file file
  • -app --appPath [string] The path to the App.tsx file
  • --prettier [boolean] Add prettier format in the add content which required installed prettier - (default: false)
  • --addApp [boolean] Add App.tsx file content which required provider (default: false)
  • -b --beta [boolean] Add beta components (default: false)

Without setting a specific component, the add command will show a list of available components.

nextui add


NextUI CLI v0.2.1
? Which components would you like to add? › - Space to select. Return to submit
↑/↓: Highlight option
←/→/[space]: Toggle selection
[a,b,c]/delete: Filter choices
enter/return: Complete answer
Filtered results for: Enter something to filter
◉ accordion
◯ autocomplete
◯ avatar
◯ badge
◯ breadcrumbs
◯ button
◯ card
◯ checkbox
◯ chip
◯ code

If you want to add a specific component, you can specify the component name.

nextui add button


NextUI CLI v0.2.1
Adding the required dependencies: @nextui-org/button
pnpm add @nextui-org/button
Packages: +1
Progress: resolved 470, reused 462, downloaded 0, added 0, done
+ @nextui-org/button 2.0.24
Done in 3.4s
Tailwind CSS settings have been updated in: /project-path/tailwind.config.js
✅ Components added successfully


Upgrade the NextUI components to the latest version.

nextui upgrade [components...] [options]

Upgrade Options

  • -p --packagePath [string] The path to the package.json file
  • -a --all [boolean] Upgrade all the NextUI components (default: false)
  • -w --write [boolean] Write the upgrade version to package.json file (default: false)
  • -b --beta [boolean] Upgrade beta components (default: false)
  • -h --help Display help for command

Upgrade the Button component to the latest version.

nextui upgrade button


NextUI CLI v0.2.1
╭───────────────────────── Component ─────────────────────────╮
│ @nextui-org/button ^2.0.11 -> ^2.0.31 │
Required min version: @nextui-org/theme>=2.1.0, tailwindcss>=3.4.0, react>=18.3.1, react-dom>=18.3.1
╭───────────────────── PeerDependencies ─────────────────────╮
│ @nextui-org/theme 2.0.1 -> 2.1.0 │
│ tailwindcss ^3.2.3 -> ^3.4.0 │
│ react Missing -> 18.3.1 │
│ react-dom Missing -> 18.3.1 │
2 major, 2 minor, 1 patch
? Would you like to proceed with the upgrade? › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ Yes
pnpm add @nextui-org/button@2.0.31 @nextui-org/theme@2.1.0 tailwindcss@3.4.0 react@18.3.1 react-dom@18.3.1
- @nextui-org/theme 2.0.1
+ @nextui-org/theme 2.1.0 (2.2.3 is available)
+ react 18.3.1
+ react-dom 18.3.1
Done in 1.8s
✅ Upgrade complete. All components are up to date.


Remove NextUI components from your project.

Note: If there are no NextUI components after removing, the required content will also be removed

nextui remove [components...] [options]

Remove Options

  • -p --packagePath [string] The path to the package.json file
  • -a --all [boolean] Remove all the NextUI components (default: false)
  • -tw --tailwindPath [string] The path to the tailwind.config file file
  • --prettier [boolean] Add prettier format in the add content which required installed prettier - (default: false)

Remove the Button component from your project.

nextui remove button


NextUI CLI v0.2.1
❗️ Components slated for removal:
│ Package │ Version │ Status │ Docs │
│ @nextui-org/button │ 2.0.27 🚀latest │ stable │ │
? Confirm removal of these components: › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ Yes
pnpm remove @nextui-org/button
Already up to date
Progress: resolved 474, reused 465, downloaded 0, added 0, done
- @nextui-org/button 2.0.27
Done in 2.1s
Remove the removed components tailwind content in file:/project-path/tailwind.config.js
✅ Successfully removed the specified NextUI components: @nextui-org/button


List all the current installed components.

nextui list [options]

List Options

  • -p --packagePath [string] The path to the package.json file
  • -r --remote List all components available remotely
nextui list


NextUI CLI v0.2.1
Current installed components:
│ Package │ Version │ Status │ Docs │
│ @nextui-org/autocomplete │ 2.0.10 🚀latest │ stable │ │
│ @nextui-org/badge │ 2.0.24 🚀latest │ stable │ │
│ @nextui-org/button │ 2.0.27 🚀latest │ stable │ │
│ @nextui-org/chip │ 2.0.25 🚀latest │ stable │ │


Check whether exist problem in your project by using the doctor command.

nextui doctor [options]


  1. Check whether have redundant dependencies in the project
  2. Check whether the NextUI components required dependencies are installed in the project
  3. Check the required tailwind.config.js file and the content is correct
  4. Check .npmrc is correct when using pnpm
  5. Check peerDependencies with required version are installed in the project

Doctor Options

  • -p --packagePath [string] The path to the package.json file
  • -tw --tailwindPath [string] The path to the tailwind.config file file
  • -app --appPath [string] The path to the App.tsx file
  • -ca --checkApp [boolean] Open check App (default: true)
  • -ct --checkTailwind [boolean] Open check tailwind.config file (default: true)
  • -cp --checkPnpm [boolean] Open check Pnpm (default: true)


nextui doctor


If there is a problem in your project, the doctor command will display the problem information.

NextUI CLI v0.2.1
NextUI CLI: ❌ Your project has 1 issue that require attention
❗️Issue 1: missingTailwind
Missing tailwind.config.(j|t)s file. To set up, visit:

Otherwise, the doctor command will display the following message.

NextUI CLI v0.2.1
✅ Your project has no detected issues.


Display debug information about the local environment.

nextui env [options]

Env Options

  • -p --packagePath [string] The path to the package.json file


Display the local environment Information by using the env command.

nextui env


NextUI CLI v0.2.1
Current installed components:
│ Package │ Version │ Status │ Docs │
│ @nextui-org/autocomplete │ 2.0.10 🚀latest │ stable │ │
│ @nextui-org/badge │ 2.0.24 🚀latest │ stable │ │
│ @nextui-org/button │ 2.0.27 🚀latest │ stable │ │
│ @nextui-org/chip │ 2.0.25 🚀latest │ stable │ │
Environment Info:
OS: darwin
CPU: arm64
Node: v18.18.2